House Painters In Central Arkansas
- Willis Custom Painting -
Specializing in Interior, Exterior and Kitchen Cabinet Painting
Hire a local painting contractor you can trust
Hiring a local painting contractor instead of a franchise guarantees the work performed on your home will be done right! We love what we do, we pride ourselves on the craft of painting homes, and we promise that you will be 100% satisfied with the final product. My wife and I live between Searcy and Cabot and would love to come by in person and give you a free estimate.
Licensed and reliable painting contractor near you!
At Willis Custom Painting, we prioritize your peace of mind by obtaining the appropriate licenses from the Arkansas Contractor Licensing Board and any city permits required to perform work on your home. Our written bids provide a clear outline of the project scope and costs, protecting you from unexpected expenses. This professional approach ensures that your project is completed on time and in line with your specific requests, giving you confidence throughout the entire process.
Professional House Painting Services
Interior Painting
Did you know the color of your walls can have an impact on your mood? Studies show that bright open spaces can make you more cheerful, while splashes of color can spark creativity. Make the most of those walls!
Custom Cabinet Painting
Not all cabinet paint jobs are created equal. If the surface is not properly prepped and primed correctly, paints can fail. Avoid yourself a huge headache and expense by hiring a professional to do it right the first time.
Exterior Painting
Could your home use a little more curb appeal? Whether you have wood or vinyl siding, or even brick, a fresh coat of paint can increase the value of your home and contribute to the overall appearance of your neighborhood.
Drywall Repair
Leaking roof? Previous owner hang to many pictures? No problem. We have done all kinds of drywall repair and know how to make “that spot” disappear. No really, when we are done matching texture and repainting you won’t even remember where it was.
Additional services include pressure washing, deck staining, epoxy floors, light carpentry, drywall repair and more!
At Willis Custom Painting, we offer much more than just residential painting in Central Arkansas. Our comprehensive services include drywall repair, pressure washing, deck staining, epoxy floors, light carpentry, and more. As a premier painting company in Central AR, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality results and exceptional customer service. Whether you need interior painting, exterior painting, or any of our additional services, we are here to bring new life to your home with precision and care.